Welcome to the Department of Soil and Environmental Sciences (SES) at Muhammad Nawaz Shareef University of Agriculture, Multan. The SES Department has a faculty consisting of 8 outstanding scientists, distinguished by their deep understanding of soil, water and the environment, and their ability to carry out quality research.

The SES is a leading field around the world due to its laboratory research and field-based outreach programs. Our faculty is actively engaged in projects that focused on Soil and environmental health, linking basic micro-scale science to real world issues not only at the field level by studying the interaction of soil, topographic, and environmental factors to better understand ecosystem functioning, but also at global scales to investigate the climate change impacts on ecosystems.

The Soil Science graduate program provides core expertise in soil and environmental sciences and offers opportunities for advanced study and research leading to M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees.

We are offering both undergraduate (B.Sc. Hons.) and post graduate programs (M.Sc. and PhD). After graduation, our students serve in Public and Private Universities, Research Institutes, Soil and Water Testing Laboratories and Fertilizer and Pesticide Companies.

To meet new challenges and explore new opportunities, our research and teaching is focused in the following areas:

  • Saline Agriculture and Hydroponics Studies
  • Salt Affected Soils and Reclamations
  • Soil Microbiology and Biochemistry
  • Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition
  • Soil Chemistry & Water Quality
  • Environmental Science,With Emphasis on Contaminants Transport and Fate, And Soil Remediation.
  • Climate Change Impact and Mitigation Strategies

Contact Us: Department of Soil & Environmental Science

MNS- University of Agriculture, Multan
Tel: +92-61-9201541
Fax: +92-61-9201679